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Friday, 18 July 2014

Transparent mobile by Polytron technology

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The Polytron Technologies is introducing the world's first transparent cell phones, Which are purely made of transparent screen. It's transparency and crystal look tempt everyone to have that in their hands.The modern and stylish mobile completely transparent cell phones are light weight

Future of 3d printing

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Here we are showing you the future of designing and graphics. Today all of these tasks are done or made by using virtual graphics software or from existing technology. But very soon in days to come these softwares and application will no more be useful or valuable.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Celluon USB gesture evoMouse

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Have you ever thought that how much your finger is valuable and maybe it would be an equipment in the future? yes it is. There is something called celluon Evo mouse the most comfortable and the best performing mouse device that works on any flat surface and work like a magic.

LG g flex test, Dropped from height, bend over backward and self-healing

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LG G Flex bends completely even then works normally, the title itself describe the purpose and quality of that phone. It is an amazing and also surprising thing that a cell phone with a stunning shiny curved exterior cover can be pushed as hard as possible on the back side of a cell it won't get damaged.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Wearable technology Metapro Space glassess

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Space Glasses its work is the same as it name indicates. Space glasses are sort of glasses that when put on everything around you turns into 3D, stereoscopic and transparent vision and you can control your laptops, tablets, and Iphones, and those laptops and phone can be made as large as you wish to have.

Multi-touch computer of future

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Multi-touch computer is the future of computing. Now a days we all guys rely on these normal systems with a slim and wide L.C.D. a desktop or tower machine and for typing and clicking purpose obviously everybody uses a bulky mouse and a large space taking keyboard on which keep typing makes you hands tired.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Samsung keynote featured phone

hover_share Samsung-keynoteSamsung Keynote bendable a featured and flexible screen phone that looks so flexy and it's screen is bendable  at any position. An incredibly designed phone have so many features and options with it.